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​Since early 2011 I have had the distinct honor and pleasure of serving as Chief of Staff to State Representative Peter Durant who represents the towns of Charlton, Dudley, Southbridge and Spencer. This opportunity has given me a unique understanding of State Government here in Massachusetts -- of how it works, and sadly, of how it often does not work. I've been fortunate to receive the education and the experience needed to be an effective legislator and leader myself; experience that can only be gained through time and exposure to the legislative process and workings of State Government.


While I have played a large role in assisting Representative Durant carry out the many tremendously important roles of a legislator - making laws, developing budgets, and of course countless public appearances - I have found nothing to be more rewarding than providing effective constituent services. Our State Representatives are elected not only to legislate, but also to advocate for the 41,000 or so constituents whom they represent. As your next State Representative I pledge to be open, to be accessible, and to be the strongest advocate for the residents of Webster, Douglas, Sutton and Oxford that I can possibly be.

Before my time with Representative Durant, I attended Bentley University, graduating from the Bentley Honors Program with a BS, in Economics and Finance.  That education led me to work for several years as a financial professional, advising clients on insurance and investment matters. I met countless individuals simply trying to make ends meet - people who only wanted to do the very best that they could for their families. They entrusted me with financial and other personal information, and I saw the difficult financial positions that many people were in. It made me acutely aware of the many added financial burdens that our State can bring to peoples' lives. It was during this time that my attitude and belief in a limited role of Government was truly cemented. I strongly believe that we need a government which will foster environments within local communities whereby businesses can succeed, can grow, and can hire more workers. We don't need a government that will add to the burdens that families and small businesses face every day.

Finally, I am a product of Massachusetts public schools.  I am the proud recipient of a public K-12 education, and I believe that our teachers and administrators do more with less every day.  They are some of the brightest unsung heroes of our communities and will always have my full support.  




Joe McKenna

State House, Room 33  

Boston, MA 02133 

Paid for by the Committee to Elect Joseph McKenna 

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